
世界杯官方app CBCS介绍了一种独特的, 大学快速通道课程,教导学生获得必要的技能,以促进医疗保健和保险收入周期过程的各个阶段. The program aims to develop proficiency in government and commercial insurance carrier specifications, 以及在所有医疗机构工作所需的客户服务技能.

This course will cover the basic principles and concepts of medical billing and coding:

  • Fundamental understanding of the human body and medical terminology applicable to billing and coding.
  • Classify and assign diagnosis conditions and procedure codes using the national coding systems ICD10-CM, CPT, 以及医疗保健机构的HCPCS.
  • Appropriately submit medical claims and ensure carrier fee schedule payment compliance.
  • 理解描述医疗记录的术语, 保险利益解释, 以及承运人报销通知.
  • Understand and apply primary, secondary, and third insurance claim processes.
  • Facilitate healthcare insurance eligibility, and the complete revenue cycle process.

A 医疗帐单和编码专家 is a valued professional who plays a crucial role in healthcare settings. 该专业人员应用医疗记录信息知识,并将数据转换为健康保险公司报销的通用语言. 这种职业道路高度支持远程工作的灵活性, 允许个人获得不错的薪水, make a difference in patients’ lives and become specialized within one year of certification completion.

The medical records and/or health information specialist typically perform the following duties:

  • 及时审查患者记录, 完整性, 和准确性, 包括病史, 症状, 考试, 测试结果, 治疗, 以及为患者提供的其他医疗保健服务
  • 使用分类系统,如CPT, HCPCS, ICD10 CM/PCS分配临床代码和确诊诊断,用于保险报销和医疗保健数据分析
  • Work with clinical staff to electronically record clinical data and support the collection, 存储, 分析, 检索实践或机构报告
  • 协助临床登记, 电子健康记录, 实行管理制度, 并协助分析数据以改善医疗保健运营


MBC是一种高等教育培训,需要通过国家卫生职业协会的认证程序® (NHA).




医疗计费和编码项目的需求和高预测增长率旨在为未来的学生提供良好的就业机会. The certification of this technical role is a valuable asset to the healthcare profession. 工作职责需要大量的实践投入, 保留, and performance as the certification goes beyond the ability to code medical health records.


医疗计费和编码专家一直是世界杯官方app服务的地理区域的目标职业,在劳动力解决方案阿拉莫经济和劳动力分析战略计划中需求量很大, 2021-2024.

根据德州劳动力委员会的说法, 医疗计费和编码, 健康信息技术员领域的一部分, 预计为 长18.德州从2020年到2030年的5%, which includes an increase for healthcare services with the increase of the state's aging population.

  • 批判性思维和解决问题
  • 沟通与协作
  • 信息、媒体和技术


在线认证医疗计费和编码专家(CBCS)培训几乎连续23周,总共138小时. The cohort meets with the online instructor two days a week for three hours.

  • 课程1 -医学术语和病理生理学

    医学术语和解剖学 & Physiology are foundational learning courses essential to student success in all allied health programs.

  • 课程2 -医疗保险和帐单-医疗编码 & 分类(CPT/HCPCS)/ICD10 CM/PCS

    本课程介绍健康保险和报销,使学生熟悉健康保险行业, 法律和监管问题, 以及报销方法的差异.

  • 课程3 -编码认证回顾

    The Coding Certification Review course provides the learning outcomes for the student to master the certification, 了解并重新检查需要改进的地方, 并表现出对课程内容的掌握.

  • 课程四-职业发展



尤兰达G. Villanueva, MBA, CMC, CPC, CPCO, CCS, LSSYBH

尤兰达G. Villanueva is an instructor of the 医疗帐单和编码认证 program at 世界杯官方app. Her teaching experience began at the Alamo Colleges District Northwest Vista campus in 2017. It continued with the Integrated Basic Education Skills Training (IBEST) program, 她在哪里成功地保持了高于平均水平的学生合格率,并帮助学生在医疗保健行业的发展.

With over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry in the greater 圣安东尼奥 area, her current position includes working as a Medical Coding Compliance Specialist for the Department of Defense, 应用医疗编码, 医疗合规, 风险分析, 卫生系统实施顾问, 临床文件审核员, 以及收入周期绩效分析师. She previously held key positions in Medical 业务 Management for sixteen years, where she recruited and trained all medical insurance reimbursement staff.

Steve Carpenter 世界杯官方app
Steven Carpenter, MHA, MSS, MA, CBCS, CCMA, CMAA

Steven Carpenter is an instructor of the Certified 计费 and Coding Specialist Course at 世界杯官方app. 他在与职业教育服务和阿拉莫学院区合作的化身世界大学开始了他的教学生涯, 圣安东尼奥, in 2018, instructing over 200 students to achieve their certifications to work in healthcare clinics and hospitals.

他的医疗保健经验包括在美国陆军服役24年,担任入伍医疗专家和美国陆军医疗服务队中校. 他毕业于美国陆军-贝勒大学医疗保健管理硕士课程,并拥有美国陆军战争学院战略研究硕士学位. He also holds a master’s degree in Computer Resources Management from Webster University.


You do not need a college degree to obtain employment as a 医疗帐单和编码专家. 然而, 雇主们寻找的是那些接受过像世界杯官方app这样的知名医疗账单和编码专家项目培训的人.


A Certificate of Training from 世界杯官方app and NHA Certification make you a more desirable job candidate. 雇主更喜欢甚至要求申请人在考虑工作职位之前完成一个有信誉的培训项目和认证. Our course outline will ensure our students are competitive for the 34,288 jobs that exist within the 28 employment regions within the state of Texas.



国家健康职业协会(NHA)提供的认证专业编码员确定您拥有在医疗保健行业中脱颖而出所需的基本知识. 学生可以获得世界杯官方app的结业证书,并在课程完成后参加NHA的认证计费和编码专家(CBCS)认证.

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